Wednesday 16 December 2009

Organising Resources- Costumes and Props

Before we can film, as a group we have to organise the resources that we will use. I looked at costumes that we were going to use. I had to take photos and look at the costumes that we will use within the film and explain the purpose behind them, using examples of mise-en-scene. I had add my personal opinion saying whether I thought they would fit in the regular conventions of horror films.

I also had to explain why we chose to use these costumes for the protagonist, antagonist and any other characters that we will use within the film and why we want them to look that way. The costumes we were going to use I had to say where we would source them from and why do they suit your production.

This is the document I created showing all this information.

Props are also a very important part of the film. As a group we also had to complete research looking into props. A document had to be completed presenting information showing possible props that will be included within our film. As a group we discussed what props we should use. I had input in this as my ideas were shared concerning props that we could use. I though that we should use crime scene tape with the first scene in the film, as i suggested this i have to source it.

Refer to group blog for more information about the props that we used within the final film.

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