Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Shoot 2- Scene 2 Couple

On Wednesday we completed shooting scene two. This scene shows the couple arguing about money and the girl walking out the house. I feel that this scene was more successful than shoot 1 as we managed to complete filming in 40 minutes. After planning a head in the morning we had a clear plan that we could work to. As the mise-en-scene in the house was accurate we didn’t need to add extra props, this also reduced the filming time.

Our cast that we chose to use after auditions proved that completing the auditions was very successful and valuable. The actors were very keen to work well, as they had learnt there line previous to filming this added extra emotion to the scene. Throughout filming we only had minor problems. The lighting needed to be improved and the door needed to be open before the girl could run out. These problems were resolved and filming continued smoothly.

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