Wednesday 25 November 2009

Similar Media Works Presentation

As a group we has to complete a Similar Media Presentation to make sure that our film opening is effective as similar horror films that have already been created. We had to research all areas of a horror film including the generic conventions, symbols and techniques used to create the film. This would enable us to create a greater knowledge and understanding of the genre.

We decided that we should delegated slides for each of us has to create so we all had an equal amount of work to complete. Here I have uploaded the slides that I have created; this isn’t the finished presentation as my group have created other slides that will be added. This helped me as I was able to research horror and psychological horror films in detail. I looked at technical codes, generic symbols and techniques, camera angles and the Blair Witch Project completing a short Mise- en- scene. When creating our final film this research will help as I will know technical codes and symbols to use.

Similar Media Presentation

Using the information and research that I completed for the similar presentation I was able to apply this to the final film. Refer to the group blog for the final product.

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